2024 / Packaging Design / Sustainable Packaging: For Society / Student


  • Prizes
    Top Design Winner in PACKAGING DESIGN/Sustainable Packaging: For Society
  • Lead Designer
    Shangxin Tian
  • Design Team
    Rouzi Xing,Lang Qin,Yamin Yang
  • University
    China University of Mining and Technology
Global warming and excessive land development have led to seasonal or regional food shortages for urban bees. Simultaneously, the issue of significant waste in bubble tea consumption exists. This product focusing on the redesign of bubble tea cups, the innovative design allows for seamless transformation into bee feeders through clever maneuvers such as flipping, tearing, connecting, unfolding, and rotating. This not only serves as a solution to the bee food shortage issue but also reduces the use of bubble tea packaging bags, presenting an inventive approach to support urban bee survival.
Photo Credit: Shangxin Tian
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