2019 / / Professional


  • Company
    Vestel Electronic Company, Turkey
  • Lead Designer
    Hazal Merve Akan
  • Design Team
    Hazal Merve Akan, Burak Emre Altınordu
Mate is a mobile home assistant with artificial intelligence designed with the motivation to catch up with time without losing the value of friendship. It responds to our major technologic needs and offers a smart experience of our home life. Last but not least it familiarizes us better in time by observing our shared life and processing that information by means of its memory system. Thereby, it can give suggestions about our daily routines, teach new things and even it knows how to make us smile. Just like in a friendship. In the end, Mate is much more than a home assistant, it is a friend.

Vestel Design Centre composed of industrial designers, visual communication designers and technical designers work on design projects of Vestel since 2004.
The team having 50 members continues design activities by prioritizing high technology and aesthetic concerns. By blending the deep-rooted design understanding with today's trends, Vestel Design Centre creates products that add value to user's daily lives.
Vestel Design Centre continues to represent our country successfully with numerous awards received in many national and international organizations.

Photo Credit: Vestel Electronic Company