/ Professional

CompanyTatiisu Ltd., Japan
Lead DesignerMasaya Ogiyama
ClientYahoo Japan / Glico / IHI / Railway Technical Research Institute /
Project Link
Standing in an upright position for extnded periods of time is no simple feat and products that support the body in a standing position are few and far between. Recognizing this tatiisu Ltd. has come up with "tatiisu" a product that supports the body in a standing position and tackles various issues. Doing office and factory work while standing improves efficiency and productivity. tatiisu was born as a way to avoid health risks and improve productivity.
Bio He is practicing and working with sports instructors, caregivers, furniture shops, etc., and learning about the structure of the human body and structural mechanics in order to research the idea of tatiisu.
Other prizes German Design Award 2018 Winner A'Design Award 2018 bronze
Photo Credit: Tatiisu Ltd.