2019 / / Professional

Coffee Table Terra

  • Company
    Gerardo Rios Design, Mexico
  • Lead Designer
    Gerardo Rios Altamirano
  • Project Link
  • Other credit
    Photo By: Ricardo Lopez
Terra is inspired by the beauty of forests and the care of natural resources.
Its objective is to draw the duality of the nature cycle, the shape of a fallen trunk, the profile and silhouette of a healthy tree that grows in its view from above and water, the main element of any ecosystem. Made of solid red oak, from sustainable forests, finely assembled before being processed to reach the final shape.
The blue crystal flies over the deck, symbolizing a mirror of water, is projected on the ground in the form of a growing blue tree. Emulate elegance and relaxation with a contemporary touch

Gerardo Ríos's artistry and craftsmanship is a symbiotic reflection of what he believes in and often finds inspiration on “the daring romance and adventures that we find in people, history and our natural environment”. Ríos’ artistic spirit is inherited from a lineage of artists dating back to his great-great grandfather, the world-renowned painter José MarÍa Velasco. Each piece of furniture, whether it is a chair, a divan, or a chaise lounge, should create a sense of harmony and provoke a sensual response with the person who experiences it.

Other prizes
2014 A’ Design Award, Milan Italy: Gold A’ Design Award 2014 A’ Design Award, Milan Italy: Bronze A’ Design Award 2015 A’ Design Award, Milan Italy: Iron A’ Design Award 2015 IDA (International Design Awards): 3rd Place Award 2016 A’ Design Award, Milan Italy: Bronze A’ Design Award 2017 IDA (International Design Awards): Gold Award 2017 A’ Design Award, Milan Italy: Iron A’ Design Award 2017 A’ Design Award, Milan Italy: Bronze A’ Design Award 2018 A’ Design Award, Milan Italy: Silver A’ Design Award 2018 A’ Design Award, Milan Italy: Iron A’ Design Award 2018 A’ Design Award, Milan Italy: Bronze A’ Design Award

Photo Credit: Gerardo Rios Design
Credits: Photo by: Ricardo Lopez