2020 / / Professional

Voronoi Bicycle Helmet

  • Company
    Essencevision Design Co, Ltd, China
  • Lead Designer
    Zhecheng XU, Yuefeng ZHOU, Haiwei W
  • Client
    Zhanchuang Co, Ltd
  • Other credit
    Helmet, Bicycle, Voronoi, Parametric, Bionics
The helmet is inspired by 3D Voronoi structure which is widely distributed in Nature. With a combination of parametric technique and bionics, the bicycle helmet has an improving external mechanical system. It's different from traditional flake protection structure in its unabridged bionic 3D mechanical system. When hit by an external force, this structure shows better stability. At the balance of lightness and safety, the helmet aims to provide people with more comfortable, more fashionable, and safer personal protection bicycle helmet.
Photo Credit: Essencevision Design Co, Ltd
Credits: Helmet, Bicycle, VORONOI, Parametric, Bionics