2020 / / Professional

Roll Fix™

  • Company
    Holmbergs Safety System Holding AB, Sweden
  • Lead Designer
    Holmbergs Safety System Holding AB
  • Design Team
    Simon Johansson and Rickard Bengtsson
  • Project Link
Almost 50% of the seat belts in toddler seats are not enough tightened!
It can be difficult to reach and pull hard enough on the strap of a traditional system. Also, the loose belt appears after some time as the child relaxes and the clothing is adjusted. Sometimes the tightening is overlooked or even forgotten. Holmbergs Roll Fix™ harness is designed to reduce the misuse and facilitate the fastening of your child. This innovative system has two integrated retractors that tighten the belt if it´s getting loose and prevent the belt from being extended during the trip.
Photo Credit: Holmbergs Safety System Holding Ab