2020 / / Student

3E, Eco Energy Effect

  • Lead Designer
    DaeHo Kim
  • Design Team
    Chanjae Lee, Kiwoong Kim, Taekjoon Kim
  • University
    Hyupsung University & Konkuk University
Nowadays cities are suffering of problems caused by excessive personal vehicle use.
In order to solve it, highly accesible electronic scooters has been intrigued.
We designed the 3E station that can be used everywhere in the city, as we target the user of scooters
3E charges scooters with electricity provided by solar-panel and at the same time, provides a convinient healing spot for the scooter user.
We recommend people to use electronic scooters by placing 3E in various urban areas.
Our final goal is to provide positive effects to the city by using sustainable and eco-friendly energy.
Photo Credit: Daeho Kim