2020 / / Professional


  • Company
    Atilim University, Turkey
  • Lead Designer
    Ipek Memikoglu, Feray Unlu
  • Design Team
    Ipek Memikoglu, Feray Unlu
  • Other credit
    3d Visualizations: Ozan Burak Güzey
Unity, as environment-user-animal friendly street furniture, is designed for uniting people, animals and nature. It triggers peer communication and establishes close relationships with animals and nature. Unlike existing street furniture, it combines various functions. It includes two different seating heights for diverse users, provides shelter for animals, bicycle racks for bikers, light for night use and incorporates nature into the design. Unity acts as a landmark in the environment by incorporating its unique properties. Concrete, wood and metal are proposed due to exterior conditions.

She graduated from Bilkent University, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design in 2003. She received her MFA degree in 2006 and PhD degree in 2012 from Bilkent University. She was a research assistant at Bilkent University between 2005-2008, and a lecturer between 2008-2010. Between 2012-2018, she worked at Çankaya University as an assistant professor in which she was the head of the Department of Interior Architecture between 2015-2018. Currently, she is an assistant professor in the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design at Atılım University.

Photo Credit: Atilim University
Credits: 3D Visualizations: Ozan Burak Güzey