2020 / / Professional

Candle Cradle

  • Company
    Iridescent Design , United States
  • Lead Designer
    Cliff Shin
  • Design Team
    Sudong Cho
  • Client
  • Other credit
    Photo By Cliff Shin
Candle Cradle is a product that ultimately protects house fires caused by candle. When a candle is placed on the Candle Cradle, it detects motions from cats, dogs, or playful children around the candle. An alarm from both Candle Cradle and a smartphone connected via Bluetooth will go off visually and audibly.One of the most common cause of house fires is from pets playing with candles. Many pet owners wouldn’t recognize that their cats or dogs could be potential fire hazards when their pets and the candles share the space.

Cliff Shin is an award-winning designer in not only design education but also professional practice. He is a recipient of IDSA Young Educator award and his works have been recognized in Italy, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, and USA. Currently, he is Associate Professor of Industrial Design in the School of Art and Design at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He worked for LG Headquarters Design Center as a senior industrial designer with expertise in consumer electronics.

Photo Credit: Iridescent Design
Credits: Photo by Cliff Shin