2020 / / Professional

Hand sanitizing wristband - refillable

  • Company
    Dutch Dog Design, United States
  • Lead Designer
    Matthys Van Leeuwen
  • Design Team
    Matthys van Leeuwen, Oded Kertes
  • Client
  • Project Link
  • Other credit
    Igor Mrenoshki
The Wrizzle hand sanitizing wristband contains hand sanitizer in gel form. Gently squeezing the band releases a drop into the palm of the hand to disinfect both hands. The C shape band comfortably fits most adult wrist sizes. The cap opens during the squeezing and it closes by a gentle push on the top of the lid.

This design inspired from the Covid-19 crisis to change the paradigm for people to sanitize their hands frequently. The use of a refillable dispenser reduces the amount of plastic waste. The wristband made from recycled plastic adds to the sustainability factor.

Other prizes
2 times International Design Award winner 2 times Honorable Mention European Design Award

Photo Credit: Dutch Dog Design
Credits: Igor Mrenoshki