2021 / / Professional

Vacuum-Fermenstore Frenchdoor

  • Company
    Vestel Beyaz Eşya San. Ve Tic.Aş., Turkey
  • Lead Designer
    Murat Hondu
  • Design Team
    Vestel Design Team
  • Client
    Vestel White Goods
  • Project Link
Focusing on sustainable and healthy living, Vacuum-Fermenstore Frenchdoor undertakes a key role in kitchens to provide a new experience in an elegant way. The FermentStore technology is the solution for anyone who's ever wanted to produce fermented food but can’t have the ideal conditions and space. Fermentation technologies also represent a sustainable approach to the production of specific various biobased products. Moreover, the Vacuumbag feature maintains food freshness by storing food in sealed-vacuumed bags. Reducing food and organic waste has environmental and economic benefits.
Photo Credit: Vestel Beyaz Eşya San. Ve Tic.aş.