2023 / / Professional

Wearable Respiratory Dust Monito

  • Company
    Cambridge Design Technology Limited, United Kingdom
  • Lead Designer
    Jon Plumb
  • Design Team
    Jon Plumb
  • Client
    Dust Canary Limited
  • Project Link
The brief was to house OEM sensor technology into a wearable personal safety monitor or sampler. The environment of use is for cement mills, timer yards, flour mills constructions sites or wherever personnel could be subjected to respirable dust, providing warning the PPE needs to be worn or to exit the environment due to unsafe levels. CDT created a family of products based on several internal constraints and then created a suite of new products with customer electronics, UI & functionality.

Cambridge Design Technology is an innovative and creative company that provides product design and technology development services to medical, scientific, technology and industrial companies that require commercial success from their development.

Benefits of these services are validated confidence in the development from start to finish, allowing our clients to satisfy their requirement for optimum design to meet their market and end user requirements.

Photo Credit: Cambridge Design Technology Limited