/ Professional
SmartAppGuided™ MicroDermabrasion Blackhead Remover | 7 in 1

CompanyGESKE GmbH , Germany
Lead DesignerThomas Milewski
The SmartAppGuided™ MicroDermabrasion Blackhead Remover is a multipurpose cleaning device with an extensive selection of UltraSpin discs and 5 cleansing modes to be used on the face and body skin. The AirPulse Suction Deep Pore Cleansing gently extracts, through directed air pulses, dirtiness, blackheads and whiteheads. The MicroDermabrasion Technology for Skin Impurities provides a customizable skincare session, while Red Light Active Regeneration helps to maintain the skin clear.

Photo Credit: Geske Gmbh