2024 / / Professional

200 Anos - Crystal

  • Company
    Vista Alegre Atlantis SA , Portugal
  • Lead Designer
    Vista Alegre Design Studio
  • Client
    Vista Alegre Atlantis SA
The 200 Anos crystal service accompanies the porcelain set of the same name, with both commemorating this historic milestone in Vista Alegre's history. The fluted crystal and the gold ribbon detail with the Vista Alegre insignia recall the elegance and exclusivity of classic tableware, though the formal simplicity and decorative minimalism are perfectly adapted to modern life. In this way, you can appreciate the purest and clearest crystal through a versatile set of pieces where the memory of traditional manufacturing methods endures.

Founded in 1824, the Vista Alegre Porcelain Factory was the first industrial unit dedicated to producing porcelain in Portugal.
The factory started by producing glassware and soapstone pottery, since the composition of porcelain clay was still unknown. In 1880, Vista Alegre ceased its glassware production to focus exclusively on porcelain.
Nowadays, Vista Alegre is more than an industrial unit. It is also part of the Portuguese heritage, boasting buildings of undeniable architectural interest, and a repository of social and artistic memories essential to the building of a Portuguese identity.

Photo Credit: Vista Alegre Atlantis Sa