2024 / / Professional

Liveo AC Charger

  • Company
    Vestel Tasarim Merkezi, Turkey
  • Lead Designer
  • Design Team
    Oyku GULERCE KADER, Itir CETINYUREK, Burak Emre ALTINORDU, Vestel Design Centre
EVC LIVEO carries a compact body that embodies customizable technical product specifications. Its general form optimized accordingly. Linear shaped front cover carries a touch of decorative trends. Sticker part on the front face is customizable for different branding and graphic. Front cover color can be chosen in between different material color options.
EVC08 LIVEO is the versatile all-rounder in the AC charging sector. Fully customizable to fit the purpose, EVC08 LIVEO is ideal for both private and professional charging requirements with onboard Type-A RCCB and easy installation procedure.

Bio Vestel Design Centre composed of industrial designers, visual communication designers and technical designers work on design projects of Vestel since 2004.
The team having 50 members continues design activities by prioritizing high technology and aesthetic concerns. By blending the deep-rooted design understanding with today's trends, Vestel Design Centre creates products that add value to user's daily lives.
Vestel Design Centre continues to represent our country successfully with numerous awards received in many national and international organizations.

Photo Credit: Vestel Tasarim Merkezi
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