/ Professional

CompanyHOX Manufaktur GmbH, Germany
Lead DesignerPia Zitzmann
Design TeamPia Zitzmann, Stefanie Kormis
Project Link
HOX is a premium design home office interior furniture with storage space for laptop and other working gear as well as a flexible mobile desk. It offers additional space after long working hours at home and therewith has the purpose to also enhance family life at home. HOX is made of multiplex birch with round corner made from solid wood in oak, maple or walnut and can be transformed into a standing desk and thus empowers a healthier working position. The principles of HOX and its design are smartness, style and simplicity, driven by elegance, ergonomic functionality and accessibility for all.
Bio We are two business women, family leaders and startup enthusiasts who created a new interior product to solve a fundamental problem since COVID19 has changed our working habits and environment: the space, order and mental health in home office. We have designed a furniture for all people who work at home at the kitchen table, as working from home has become eternal part of our personal and professional lives and will be. Both of us have quit our regular jobs to fully commit to our new and first own venture, having started from scratch in 2021 after our ideation at a playground afternoon.
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Photo Credit: Hox Manufaktur Gmbh